6 Movies About Reporter and Journalists



With a competitor to the large fish BBC and Sky, this month sees the debut of GB News, the new free-to-air 24-hour news channel.

Underfunded ITV News Channel lasted five short years, the most recent broadcaster to enter the world was ITV in 2000, shutting up shop on 23rd December 2005, when Alistair Stewart (who are going to be presenting a weekday show on GB News) provided a final adieu to viewers. We’ll see if GB news can fare better.

With the accuracy of the many depictions often criticized by insiders, the mystique of the TV newsroom has long been a staple in both television and film. In recent movies, Long Shot (2019) and Tom Hardy’s Venom (2018), cinema has embraced the globe of video-blogging and Vice-style journalism.

Aside from the ones you can find at Movierulz (learn more about Movierulz here), here’s my selection of six motion pictures that can whet your appetite for the launch of GB News:

1. Bombshell (2019)

Dramatized in Bombshell, another one amongst director Jay Roach’s politically-themed movies, which also include Recount (2008), Game Change, and Trumbo (2015), were the events surrounding the downfall of the late Fox News CEO/Chairman Roger Ailes. For sure, the image takes a center-left view of events, but much of the evidence of the abusive behavior of Ailes and his cohorts to female employees at the channel hid in plain sight.

Roach assembled a powerful cast that features Charlize Theron (Megyn Kelly) Nicole Kidman (Gretchen Carlson), Margot Robbie (Kayla Pospisil), and Malcolm McDowell as publisher.

2. Nightcrawler (2014)

Robberies and violent crimes to ratings driven channel director Nina (Rene Russo) where thieving sociopath Lou Bloom (a very creepy Jake Gyllenhaal) becomes a successful stringer selling stomach-churning footage of accidents, as the seedy side of local news within the US is luridly displayed in Nightcrawler.

Who will find Nightcrawler a depressing experience are those expecting a final comeuppance for Gyllenhaal’s loathsome character.

3. Morning Glory (2010)

On a far lighter note, where a plucky female professional contends with the entrenched attitudes of male colleagues, this amiable workplace comedy is some things of a throwback to Doris Day’s movies within the early to mid-1960s.

As someone who turns around an ailing network morning show and earns the respect of curmudgeonly co-presenter, pressganged into hosting to fulfill the terms of his contract, directs this heart-warming tale of atypically sympathetic TV producer Becky Fuller (Rachel McAdams), the veteran journalist Mike Pomeroy (Harrison Ford), Roger Michell (Notting Hill).

A kind of soppy practice for Apple+’s The Morning Show, the image benefits from Ford’s performance as misery-guts Pomeroy, who eventually shows his less grouchy side and truly cooks a frittata live to tell the tale air, a change from his usual preferred areas of terrorism and political corruption.


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4. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy (2004)

Birthed innumerable memes and has retained its ability to amuse was Will Farrell’s beloved spoof of 1970s regional news within the US, something you couldn’t say about 2013’s inferior sequel (The Legend Continues), which I’ve got seen a minimum of twice, but fail to recollect in any substantial detail.

The chemistry between co-anchor/rival/love interest Veronica Corningstone (Christina Applegate) and Farrell’s Scotch savoring Burgundy is the key to the movie. Stick around for the outtakes between the pair because the credits roll.

5. Live From Baghdad (2002)

The events build-up to and through the primary Gulf War (1991) are brought vividly to life in Mick Jackson’s (The Bodyguard) HBO movie, which hails CNN’s ground-breaking coverage of events.

Michael Keaton stars as Robert Wiener, the CNN producer refused to go away Iraq when other broadcasters pulled out, who along with colleague Ingrid Formanek (Helana Bonham Carter) and channel correspondents Bernard Shaw (Robert Wisdom), Peter Arnett (Bruce McGill), and John Holliman (John Carroll Lynch) covered the conflict from Baghdad because it unfolded, with rival networks having to report from CNN’s live feed.

6. The Insider (1999)

Examining the fallout from CBS’s hr interview with industry whistleblower Jeffrey Wigand (Russell Crowe), Michael Mann’s engrossing film is predicated on the 1996 lifestyle article “The Man Who Knew Too Much.”

Crowe and Al Pacino (as hour producer Lowell Bergman) are excellent, but the standout on behalf of me is that the late Christopher Plummer, as esteemed journalist Mike Wallace, who finds that his compromises with corporate executives find yourself diminishing his career and (it is implied) his self-respect.


