Web logs, also known as blogs for short, have been one of the most consumed types of content on the internet for years and it has been continually growing. That is why it is not a surprise that web logs like Newtoki News are popularly used to spread news online. Before the rise of social media, blogging has been the bread and butter for news organizations to boost their news consumption.
Below are some reasons why blogging is ideal for spreading news.
Pushing the envelope
Web logs are helping to expand the boundaries of experimental kinds of transaction journalism. Some 320 people donated over $14,000 and helped him launch Back-to-Iraq.com.
Influencing at the perimeters
We see sentiments first expressed on Web logs intumesce into the mainstream media days or weeks after the first surface within the blogosphere. Similarly, only too often the mainstream media tend to get rid of stories during a fast-paced news cycle, with even important news events deterioration their radar screen after 48 hours. Bloggers say, hold the phone, we’re not through with this yet. Web logs were credited with helping to induce the mainstream fourth estate inquisitive about the racially insensitive remarks by Senator Trent Lott that led to his resignation as Senate legislator.
It’s about much more: passion, genuineness, integrity.” Web logs and a commitment to open dialogue instill trust within the relationship between the fourth estate and the audience.
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Repersonalizing journalism
Web logs present a vehicle for expressing thoughts and reportage that doesn’t always fit the contours of a conventional story. Television reviewers have begun blogging their experiences with network executives and Hollywood stars during the annual summer Television Critics Association press tour in la. More important, blogs offer a chance for readers to listen to a journalist’s voice and personality. Newsroom-sanctioned Web logs promise to indicate journalists as folks with opinions, emotions, and private lives—and yes, with warts and foibles.
Fostering community
When journalism becomes a process and not a static product, audiences discard their traditional role as passive consumers of stories and become empowered partners with a shared stake within the conclusion. Web logs offer a way to push that sort of interactivity.