Now is the era of too much knowledge. The news comes at us from all sides, but does it teach us anything new, or does it only confirm our preconceived notions? In an effort to maintain our attention, social media algorithms frequently place us in “echo chambers” where we only see stories that confirm our preexisting opinions. A skewed view of reality, impeded by confirmation bias, can stifle meaningful discourse and exacerbate societal divisions.
Going Outside the Filter Bubble
Leaving the echo chamber takes some work. We may broaden our news sources by looking for publications that cover a variety of issues from diverse angles. Another way to increase our visibility is to follow independent journalists on social media. In order to verify facts and avoid misinformation, fact-checking websites such as Snopes are quite useful.
The Influence of Critical Thinking
Critical thinking has the potential to be the most effective tool in the fight against the algorithmic maze. Headlines should not be taken at face value; instead, we should read the articles thoroughly and look for signs of bias. One way to increase one’s capacity for empathy and understanding is to have civil conversations with people who disagree with one’s views.
The media landscape is dynamic and ever-changing. Although algorithms certainly have their advantages and disadvantages, they do not need to dictate how we get information. We may make sure that the news we read influences, rather than limits, our worldview if we are active readers and hone our critical thinking abilities.